• Sonic Generations Unleashed Mod

    Sonic Generations Unleashed Mod

    Feb 1, 2014 - Here how to install Sonic Unleashed Mod for Sonic Generations. Step by step:) Enjoy. Gametop.com games free download.

    Sonic Unleashed is a tad harder to S-Rank compared to the likes of Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations (even then, Sonic Colors had some more demanding levels), but it was still fairly easy for the most part.However, I think the Unleashed Mod is outright bullshit with handing out S-Ranks. I can blast through the likes of Windmill Isle, Savannah Citadel, and Rooftop Run whilst taking all the shortcuts that I know of (and trust me, I do know them) and still be so incredibly far off from getting the S-Rank it isn't even funny.I understand the idea that the highest rank should be something you work for, but goddamn. Edited April 4, 2013 by Nix. I settled for getting all A ranks honestly. Getting S ranks in this mod requires more work than I'm willing to invest in an average game.I really don't like the strict requirements in this mod, but at the end of the day it's no sweat off my back.

    It's a good challenge for speedrunners I suppose, but I'm not interested at all in that kind of game play style.it's fun, but a tad too strict, although some are a pain without real dedication. Cool edge and savannah citadel are a breeze though. Edit: and i just S'd rooftop run while super sick, so there's that, and i even made major mistakes like getting hit. AND THEN i did jungle joyride (3:54, woo, but i still couldn't get off that damn large rail before the end - did in a later run, though). It's starting to feel more like it's training you to be a pro sonic player. Seriously, i discovered a lot of stuff doing these so far.sorry for another wall of text, geez. Also, i'm probably an idiot and this is obvious stuff.

    Edited January 15, 2014 by darkmelee. What parts of it are confusing you in particular? Is it in regards to which programs you need to use or their settings?

    You'll probably have more luck asking in Retro's Generations hacking topic, but maybe some of us can help you out here.Empire City's also my favourite level from here, as well. Considering I only ever had the PS2 and Wii versions of Unleashed (I can hear you guys snickering), this level and it's music really take me by surprise as I never got a chance to experience them in Unleashed for myself. Edited April 25, 2013 by t0ms0nic. What parts of it are confusing you in particular? Is it in regards to which programs you need to use or their settings?

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    You'll probably have more luck asking in Retro's Generations hacking topic, but maybe some of us can help you out here.Empire City's also my favourite level from here, as well. As I said, I have no actual experience with this or know how any of this work, but I'm going to take a stab in the dark.With the Sonic Spawn, are you making sure that there still isn't one in the Green Hill terrain (no idea if you can place more than one), if you've still kept Green Hill's original terrain and collision, and that there's one actually on top of Green Forest's terrain and collision?

    It doesn't sound like you've removed everything from Green Hill, as at the very least the grass and the water is still there, which is described in the guide for the grass at the least. As I said, I have no actual experience with this or know how any of this work, but I'm going to take a stab in the dark.With the Sonic Spawn, are you making sure that there still isn't one in the Green Hill terrain (no idea if you can place more than one), if you've still kept Green Hill's original terrain and collision, and that there's one actually on top of Green Forest's terrain and collision? It doesn't sound like you've removed everything from Green Hill, as at the very least the grass and the water is still there, which is described in the guide for the grass at the least;The rest, I'm really not sure about and struggling to understand from just the guide without any of the tools. Sorry about that!i dont where the spawn is on the green hill zone, well i couldnt find one, ill make a video of what i do then maybe people can tell me where ive gone wrong, i know the guide says to delete the geometry and ive done that but there is still the white lines so im not sure if that could be a problem, i have no idea how to use most of the tools only basic probley. I have returned! ( Which may disappoint some of you.:3)I'll give my own 2 cents on the Unleashed project, it's pretty good (Original opinion is original.)My only major complaints are with the controls of the Cool Edge 'bobsled', but I know exactly why that was done,so I won't complain too much. And about the ranking, it really isn't that bad, considering the fact that it's based offChimera, Miles and Dario's times, without skills and considering the fact they aren't speedrunners, I think the rankings are pretty fair.And now, just because I can, here's my obligatory Unleashed Project video.

    Favorite stage? Honestly, i think jungle joyride, although arid sands was my favorite before that. They were the first stages i got really into and wanted to try and learn. Rooftop run is a fun runaround level, though, and was the most fun to speedrun after JJ and AS. Maybe i just like the more demanding stages overall.i kinda got sentimental about the sexy FOV being absent (it is there, though overridden by the cams; you can restore it briefly by dying in certain areas or bashing the boost button til it locks), but then i wondered whether i'd be as able to do what i can do now with them being as they were in unleashed, and i can't really say for sure, since i honestly never played unleashed itself all that much.

    I've tried to, several times, but never stuck with it all the way to the end. EDIT: just started a new game, and i'm having zero issues with anything, really. Nice to know that even the werehog isn't difficult to control or anything like i remember, i must have seriously sucked before. Really dig the FOV effects.EDIT: played unleashed, beat it.

    I didn't even need to grind medals, and only died 6 times at eggmanland (yay), and it really wasn't that hard, save for the QTEs, of course, because i suck at those at select moments. All of my deaths were me trying to get collectibles or testing the best way to land a jump. Final boss segments were pretty BS though, the whole setup, more or less.the blaze mod is the best character mod, hands-down. I'd quote your text, but i forgot to quote initially, so i can't but yea, it's pretty great, i must say!also, @0:40, i bet there was some swear words.the 'bobsleigh' in cool edge could theoretically be tweaked, but involves a lot of messing with rotation/force, and such, but you'd be hard-pressed to get it perfect. I think it's alright enough, built more on twitch reflexes. And yea, the S ranks requirements aren't near as dire or strict in the long run as people think, or even what i thought initially, when you're actually trying for legitimately (relatively) clean runs.

    I hope they don't change them anytime soon. ALTHOUGH windmill isle is probably the toughest of them all (or maybe arid sands if you're not someone like me) without skills.they're actually a touch lax and give you breathing room both above the time/ring scores, and give you more incentive to push even harder. I didn't even start to realize just how much i could do better until i thought about how to get around time-consuming bits or cutting out homing attacks and just comboing (RR clocktower enemies, which i rarely see other players do). Even the most minor oversights and tricks (drifting on water, drifting into a QS mode flag, drifting in a dash sequence. Drifting has a lot of oversights) cut your time pretty drastically at times, and still aren't required (likely pushing you even further under what's expected). Really, in the end, even a paultry amount of rings can sometimes award an S rank so long as you're trying, even if your speed isn't quite there, yet. You'll be fighting rather hard to shave time off past that, however, should you go for your absolute peak performance.

    I've still never gone completely flawlessly at my own routes. Edited February 8, 2014 by Bort. I'm on it, sending your message to him now.It would help to know what your exact problem is.Thank you very much.

    The Windows Start menu, just stopped working. Not

    That No-HUD mod Dario used in his trailers really meant a lot to me on making future intros/montage videos.I tried using the other No-HUD mod made by someone else from Sonic Retro, and it only works in certain level hubs, except Green Hill Zone which made the game crash after all that crazy unpacking and repacking CPK files, replacing some of the original files inside them with the empty files that affect the HUD. Edited April 28, 2013 by S Chrono. Found a really bizarre quirk in dragon road. Anyone else know how to disable the HUD using SonicGMI?i simply used dario's unfinished mod fromplaced it in the mods folder, and i check it (and save) when i want it. It's the only one i know of that doesn't involve serious editing to get working, but it doesn't work in the PAM beyond button prompts (which i consider fine enough, since i change music a lot since i made a bunch of custom aax's).

    Stages are perfect, though, so long as english language is selected, and button hints are turned off. Heavier editing can remove everything else, but nobody's released one like that, let alone one that isn't completely universal, invis'ing everything at once.that's all i can really say about it.

    Edited May 3, 2013 by darkmelee.

    Sonic Generations Unleashed Mod